CalQuake Inland Empire

Serving the Inland Empire, Southern California and beyond

Highland 92346

Mini Wound/Burn Pack

Mini Wound/Burn Pack

Individual Mini Wound/Burn Pack

The Mini Wound /Burn Pack can be used to supplement a first aid or survival kit or as a stand alone, used for minor cuts, abrasions, burns, stings, insect bites, and rash developed from poisonous plants.


2 - Spot bandages
2 - Fingertip bandages
2 -Knuckle bandages
3 -1 x 3" Adhesive bandages
2 - Butterfly Bandages
3 - Triple Antibiotic Packs
2 - Sting Relief Packs
2 - Burn Cream Packs
2 - Hydrocortisone Cream
4 - Alcohol Prep Pads
2 - Povidine Iodine Pads
4 - Cotton Tip Applicators

Packed in a heavy duty reuseable 6 mil. zip lock bag.
Size: 3" x 5"



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